Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Geobola Virus

I complained in this recent post that geology does not get enough respect as an exciting, relevant, and important science. I wondered why that was, and today learned at least one of the causes. That is, the geobola virus. The geobola virus manifests itself as members of the geoscience community who do not appear to care at all about geology, or in it's most virulent forms downright do not like geology. Infection can devastate a department, and may take years to recover from.

Things I heard professional geoscience educators say today:

"I mean, we spend so much time on all the rocks and minerals and it is just so boring!"

"They ask me 'when are we ever going to need to know any of this rock and mineral stuff' and I tell them the truth is you never will, it's really just not relevant!"

The geobola virus eats departments from within, beware! It is contagious! Mortality rates are high!